I just finished watching the first season of CHEER on Netflix. I avoided it initially because when it first aired It was right when I was retiring from coaching. I was so emotional I literally packed up my stuff and walked away.
Choice. Chance. Change.
We have to make the choice, to take a chance to make a change. One day at a time...
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
When TV hits too close
I just finished watching the first season of CHEER on Netflix. I avoided it initially because when it first aired It was right when I was retiring from coaching. I was so emotional I literally packed up my stuff and walked away.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Get my clipboard!
This may come as a surprise to some of you and for those who really know me… I would hope no shock at all…

Saturday, September 25, 2021
42. Thanks for all the fish.
42. It's an age. A shift in mentality. A better understanding of life and what we really need. People ask me what I want for my birthday. At 42 it is less about what I want and more about what we need. What I need is for the world to become a less scary place. We all need to know trust again and regain faith in humanity.
I am calling each one of us to take a day and do our very best to be nice and show compassion for each other. This will look different to each individual, but I ask you to do what you can, however that may look to you.
At the end of the day, ask yourself the following:
Did I offer peace today?
Did I bring a smile to someone’s face?
Did I say words of Healing?
Did I let go of my anger and resentment?
Did I Forgive?
Did I Love?
Imagine the ripple effect we could have.
THIS is what I want for my birthday.
Friday, June 11, 2021
Today we closed a chapter.
Today we closed a chapter. In some respects, it was a very short chapter, but for the last 15 months it is has been the longest chapter of our lives. It has been wrought with uncertainty and confusion. We didn’t always know where the correct information was coming from (still don’t), and we were just trying to survive the day-to-day of it all. We saw so many events, celebrations, vacations, and opportunities vanish overnight. We have witnessed horrible indiscretions, terrible acts of violence, riots, the collapse of our physical and mental well-being. However, in the midst of it, many of us found family. A newfound love in a hobby, craft, heritage, and personal journey.
Let’s be honest though, it was hard. Very hard.
There have been many tears and meltdowns but there have also been beautiful connections made with family and friends along with a new appreciation for the freedom to move about our community, our state, our country, and our world.
For many, we never stopped working and providing services. For even more, we watched with dread the loss of work, support systems, business, and even life. These experiences all define a moment of our lives and will continue to shape our future.
Today I was able to close a two-year-long chapter. My transition to the Pacific Northwest finally feels real. I am surrounded by geographical beauty in the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean which are walking distance from my home. More importantly, I am surrounded by an amazing tribe of people who respect and share in my joys, my heartache, my struggle, and my success. They are strangers who became friends and often feel like family. They love me, Doug, and Jillian and have accepted us as a part of their world.
My Someday is here. It’s real and it’s everything I hoped it would be. But we are not done. We are not out of this. We are also not alone.
Thank you to my tribe. Thank you for your patience, guidance, and character-building honesty. Thank you for loving my child as your own and not judging me when I step outside just to smell the rain and the coastal air.
Have a restful summer friends. Find your balance and live, love, and recharge. ð⚓️ðŠīð✨
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Sunday, September 29, 2019
40 and freaking out!
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
You didn’t lose the fight with cancer, heaven won the fight to take you home. Now you get to stand tall next to Randy and your mom and watch over your best friends and dear family.
I know you know it but, thank you. Thank you for being the friend that always told me how it was and picked me up when I fell from grace. You hugged me and laughed with me and held me accountable for my mistakes. I will always love you for taking me in and loving me when I needed a home. We coached together and saw some great successes. We traveled together and saw some beautiful sights. You were there when Jillian was born and at my tiny 2nd wedding on the river. You were always one of the very first people I called to share my news with and my best coffee date buddy. Most of all we laughed and loved and always picked up right where we left off. You will always be one of my dearest friends. I know you were watching over me today to make sure my birthday was great. Thank you for all you’ve done for me and my family. Until we meet again Jules, I love you. ðð #cancersucks.