Sunday, October 4, 2015


Friendship as a child is simply saying, they are my friend.  Kids are not judgmental or picky about friends.  They simply see a person and know that they want to play, so they are friends. When they fight over playing time or sharing, they simply want until the next recess and play again. It’s a simple plan with a very simple outcome. 

As adults, this becomes more convoluted.  When someone is different or sees things different than we do we don’t think that they can be our friend.  When someone’s priorities are different than ours, we see them as threatening or wrong.  When in reality these are the people that we need the most in our lives.

We need people around us that will challenge us. Those who make us think are the ones that make us grow. We all see the same world, but we see it through our own eyes and own experiences.  When we allow people around us that see the world through a different set of experiences and we share with them what we see, we learn something new.

Many of my best friends didn’t start out as friends.  We had a difference of opinion or a challenge, but by divine intervention, or circumstance we were able to see beyond the differences and realize that we are all on the same ride and the same journey.  Our paths have lead us different ways, but at any given moment we are surrounded by people by which we have something to learn. 

Some paths we cross teach us a life lesson in what not to do, some teach us compassion, pride, and love.  Some paths we join and walk a while and sometimes we need to find our own path.  As friends start to take their own path they learn new lessons and new experiences grow them.  And when your paths cross again you can learn from each other.

I challenge you to go someone an chance today that you wouldn’t normally.  Reach out to that person that has challenged you or caused you think about something outside your comfort-zone.  You will gain an experience and possibly even start a new friendship.  
One could even save a life.