Saturday, September 25, 2021

42. Thanks for all the fish.

42. It's an age. A shift in mentality. A better understanding of life and what we really need. People ask me what I want for my birthday. At 42 it is less about what I want and more about what we need. What I need is for the world to become a less scary place. We all need to know trust again and regain faith in humanity.

I am calling each one of us to take a day and do our very best to be nice and show compassion for each other. This will look different to each individual, but I ask you to do what you can, however that may look to you.

At the end of the day, ask yourself the following:

Did I offer peace today?
Did I bring a smile to someone’s face?
Did I say words of Healing?
Did I let go of my anger and resentment?
Did I Forgive?
Did I Love?

Imagine the ripple effect we could have.

THIS is what I want for my birthday.