Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New year, new path

I think that most everyone is letting out a sigh of relief that 2018 is over. It will forever be the year that everyone was offended and opinionated. I truly hope that 2019 will be the year of healing and self-care. I know my family needs it. I plan to make some huge changes in 2019, step out of my comfort zone, and refocus my attention on my family and our lives. My life is my own and I plan to take over and become a better version of me. I need to complete some very important goals that may seem insignificant to others but have held me captive for a very long time.
I have one class left to finish up an associate’s degree and move toward my goal of graduation. I registered for that class last week and plan to check that goal off my list by graduating in May. This will open more doors for me and my future, it will also make the path to my bachelor’s degree easier.
The most important change will be my retirement from coaching. This year I will finish up my 24th year overall as a coach. With the closing of the 2019 Track season, I will be taking a step down from my post as the Head Cheer Coach at Sparks. I have spent 14 amazing years at Sparks high school with the best administration, staff, and students anyone could ask for. I have had some amazing accomplishments in my coaching career, and share some of my fondest memories. I feel that it is time to let someone else take the reins and make the Sparks Cheer program their own. I will dearly miss my athletes and the actual coaching at practices, but its time for someone else to worry about tryouts, spirit packs, fundraisers, away games, scheduling, travel, and grade checks. I would love to progress to the next level and coach college, but for now, I will take a break and recharge. Thank you for supporting me as a coach for all these years!
Best of luck to you all in 2019! I know it will be a year to remember!

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